It is the policy of McDowell Transit as a Federal-aid recipient, to
Ensure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability, be excluded
from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any of our programs and
activities, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and all
other related nondiscrimination laws and requirements.
- A complaint may be called into McDowell Transit Director at 828-559-0744.
- A complainant may file a complaint directly with the North Carolina Department of Transportation by filing with the office of Equal Opportunity and Workforce Services, External Civil Rights Section, 1511 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1511,
- Attention Title VI Nondiscrimination Program;
- phone 919-506-1808 or 800-522-0453 or TDD/TTY: 800-735-2962
- A complainant may file a complaint directly with the Federal Transit Administration by filing a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights, Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th Floor-TCR,1200 New Jersey Ave, SE, Washington DC 20590
ADA Complaint Form
EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity)
Based on reasonable, job related requirements and shall not discriminate because of age, sex, race, color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, qualified disability, marital status, or genetic information.
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) Pertains to non discrimination to individuals with disabilities.
To file a complaint contact
Jason Hollifield, Transit Director
828-559-0744 or
All McDowell County citizens have a right to transportation provided by McDowell County Transit;
as well as a right to be treated with courtesy, dignity and respect at all times by Transit personnel.
- Appointments for transportation services must be made by 10:00 a.m. the day before the service is rendered. Monday appointements must be made by 10:00am on Friday prior to Monday's appointment. Appointments are based on availability and scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
- All appointments must be scheduled by leaving a voicemail with McDowell Transit Dispatch by calling 828-559-0744. Para Español 828-652-0727.
- Passengers will be picked up and dropped off at the locations specified when the appointment was made. If you need to be dropped at another location, you must notify Transit in advance. Advance notice to be dropped off at another location must be made day before.
- Passengers must be ready 90 minutes before appointment time for in county transit. For any out of county transportation, clients will be called the day before and made aware of their pickup time.
- Out-of-county trips are scheduled as follows: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday: Asheville Thursday: Morganton, Hickory Other destinations are based on availability.
- All out of county trips must be cancelled by 6am. In-county trips must be canceled a minimum of two hours before the scheduled pick up time. Cancellations, including Medicaid trip cancellations, must be called in to McDowell County Transit. Any cancellations after 6:00 am will result in a “no show.” Any transportation where the pickup is going to be before 6:00 AM must call in and cancel before 8:00 PM the night before.
- If a passenger does not require transportation for their take home trip, they must call 828-559-0744 at least one hour prior to their take home time. Failure to do so will result in a “no show.”
- Passengers must be ready for the driver when the van arrives for pick-up. Transit policy is for drivers to wait (3) three minutes. If a passenger is not ready within three minutes, the driver will leave and the passenger will be documented as a “no show.”
- Three (3) no shows in a three month period will result in a passenger being suspended from riding Transit for 30 days.
- Pets (other than service animals) may be allowed on McDowell Transit vehicles if they are transported in a proper crate. The crate must be of a size that can be easily transported. The driver is not required to assist with the crate. If a passenger will be traveling with an animal, McDowell Transit must be notified when the trip is scheduled.
- Non-Medicaid passengers under the age of 16 must travel with a parent or guardian.
- A passenger’s right to transportation can be terminated by the transportation system due to misconduct of the passenger.
- Disruptive, unruly or abusive behavior to other passengers or the driver will not be tolerated.
- Passengers should always walk in front of the van when boarding and exiting.
- Passengers must keep their arms and head inside the van at all times.
- Drivers may assist you in getting on or off the van if necessary. They may not go inside a home, facility, day care, school, business, etc. with a passenger.
- Package/Grocery Policy-All packages must be under control of the passenger at all times. No loose items or bags permitted.
- No profanity or vulgarity is allowed while on board a McDowell County Transit vehicle, with the exception of passengers whose actions and verbiage that are protected under ADA guidelines due to a disability.
- No weapons (knives or firearms) will be allowed on a McDowell County Transit vehicle.
- No animals other than service animals will be allowed on a McDowell County Transit vehicle.
- Passengers are not permitted to eat, drink, smoke or use other tobacco products in any McDowell County Transit vehicle. Exceptions are made to allow eating or drinking which is medically necessary due to passenger’s medical condition or treatment, small children, and extended out of town medical trips.
- All passengers must wear seat belt to ensure the safety of all individuals in the vehicle. Passengers will be denied transportation services if they choose not to abide by the seat belt policy.
- No van will move until all passengers have been properly restrained with seat belts or wheel chair securement procedures. Riders will ask drivers if help is needed with seat belt securement.
- No inappropriate display of affection or sexual activity to the driver or another passenger will be allowed.
- No release of human waste, including spitting is allowed. This does not include instances of vomiting or incontinence due to treatment, medication, or illness.
- McDowell County Transit will reserve the right to refuse transportation to any passenger who appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.
- Passengers must be properly dressed as to not knowingly or unknowingly expose any part of their body that would be considered offensive to the driver or other passengers.
- Passengers must practice good personal hygiene before boarding a transit vehicle. This includes but is not limited to personal body odor. Failure to do so is inconsiderate of other passengers and the driver.
The policy of McDowell Transit passenger assistance will now be defined under ADA guidelines as door to door.
Further details include:
Drivers may not:
- Leave the vehicle beyond 60 feet;
- Enter any doors, private residences or buildings;
- Assist with packages that exceed the current package policy;
- Assist beyond the ground level of any building or apartment.
Procedures for violations of these rules are as follows:
First incident: When a passenger’s behavior disrupts the driver or other passengers, the Supervisor, or
his/her designated official will speak privately with the passenger and the passenger’s sponsoring agency
representative (if the passenger is a human service agency client) about his/her behavior. The Supervisor will
state to the passenger the reason his/her behavior is objectionable and the steps the passenger must take to
correct the behavior. The Supervisor will also provide a written warning to the passenger.
Second incident: If the passenger continues his/her disruptive behavior, the Supervisor will speak with the
passenger and the passenger’s sponsoring agency representative (if the passenger is a human agency client)
a second time. During this conversation, the passenger will be notified of a second written warning stating
the reasons his/her behavior is objectionable and the steps he/she must take to correct the behavior. The
warning will also state that at this time there is a suspension of privileges to ride the transportation system
for 30 days.
Third incident: A third incident could result in a suspension of transportation privileges permanently. The
Supervisor will present to the Transportation Planning Board the circumstances surrounding the incidents
and the board will then decide whether or not to suspend transportation privileges. The suspension notice
will be written, and hand delivered to the passenger or the passenger’s sponsoring agency (if the passenger is
a human services agency client) or sent by certified mail to his/her address and to that of the sponsoring
agency, if applicable.
The McDowell County Transit reserves the right to exceed the above violation procedures, including calling
the police and having a disruptive passenger removed, should it become necessary for the safety of the
driver and/or other passengers. Also McDowell County Transit reserves the right to forego the warning
policy and automatically suspend a passenger upon a first incident violation.