It is the policy of McDowell Transit as a Federal-aid recipient, to

Ensure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any of our programs and activities, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and all other related nondiscrimination laws and requirements.

Discrimination Complaint Form
ADA Complaint Form

EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity)

Based on reasonable, job related requirements and shall not discriminate because of age, sex, race, color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, qualified disability, marital status, or genetic information.

ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) Pertains to non discrimination to individuals with disabilities.

To file a complaint contact
Jason Hollifield, Transit Director
828-559-0744 or


All McDowell County citizens have a right to transportation provided by McDowell County Transit; as well as a right to be treated with courtesy, dignity and respect at all times by Transit personnel.




Procedures for violations of these rules are as follows:

First incident: When a passenger’s behavior disrupts the driver or other passengers, the Supervisor, or his/her designated official will speak privately with the passenger and the passenger’s sponsoring agency representative (if the passenger is a human service agency client) about his/her behavior. The Supervisor will state to the passenger the reason his/her behavior is objectionable and the steps the passenger must take to correct the behavior. The Supervisor will also provide a written warning to the passenger.

Second incident: If the passenger continues his/her disruptive behavior, the Supervisor will speak with the passenger and the passenger’s sponsoring agency representative (if the passenger is a human agency client) a second time. During this conversation, the passenger will be notified of a second written warning stating the reasons his/her behavior is objectionable and the steps he/she must take to correct the behavior. The warning will also state that at this time there is a suspension of privileges to ride the transportation system for 30 days.

Third incident: A third incident could result in a suspension of transportation privileges permanently. The Supervisor will present to the Transportation Planning Board the circumstances surrounding the incidents and the board will then decide whether or not to suspend transportation privileges. The suspension notice will be written, and hand delivered to the passenger or the passenger’s sponsoring agency (if the passenger is a human services agency client) or sent by certified mail to his/her address and to that of the sponsoring agency, if applicable.

The McDowell County Transit reserves the right to exceed the above violation procedures, including calling the police and having a disruptive passenger removed, should it become necessary for the safety of the driver and/or other passengers. Also McDowell County Transit reserves the right to forego the warning policy and automatically suspend a passenger upon a first incident violation.